Ride For Recovery

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Ride For Recovery

Ride4Recovery - supporting local charities

Our activities 
Leisure/Touring rides
About us 

We are back in the saddle and need your help raising money to support our community as we respond to the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Many community groups are struggling at the moment with the financial implications of providing their much needed services.

At present, the needs of local, grass roots charities and community groups in Norfolk have never been greater but at a time when its finances are being stretched as never before.

We are seeking to raise £30,000 to help the Norfolk Community Foundation to provide its support and services across our region.

We are proud of our county and grateful to the work of the NCF in helping those most impacted by the pandemic.

Here is our opportunity to make a difference.

Best wishes ,

R4R Committee.

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