Notes from our AGM

Notes from our AGM

 AGM 2022

We held our AGM on Sunday 22nd May 2022 after (for many) an interesting "magical mystery tour" ride led by Sheila Sampson - including parts of Hull some of us never knew existed! Slipping saddles on new Titanium bikes apart, we all arrived in good time for a hot and cold buffet laid on at Springhead Golf in Willerby Road (thanks to Sheil S for organising this) in time for an al fresco meeting on the raised terrace. Apart from occasional noisy interruptions, coups de vent and the odd missile from the local yoof this seemed to work well, the weather being clement.

A total of 23 people were in attendance, and the topics raised led to lively discussions with informed and animated contributions. I am please to report that although there were some dissenters, the overall consensus was that we should continue, and two people came forward (Pete Dunn and Dave Cowood) to serve on the committee.

To help address the thorny issue of rides lengths, numbers of stops, starting points etc etc, a small working group was set up and will meet and attempt to come up with ideas of how to proceed.

The full, Draft minutes (which will need to be accepted by the next AGM) can be found in the restricted area of this website

Then if you look for the restricted area. You will need the password which Phil Tong will provide to relevant people.

One item that did not get full coverage is the request from CUK that we appoint a Safeguarding Officer. This is an important issue, as a number of us (indeed perhaps all of us) can be considered to be "vulnerable" in some way or another, whether through health/infirmity, gender, age, or even just the inherent dangers of sharing public roads with each other and other users. If you can think of anyone who might be prepared to take on this role, do please direct them to make contact. CUK have produced one of their "Toolkits" outlining responsibilities and trainiong offered, which can be found here:

Please do let any of the committee (now comprising Dave Berger (sec), Phil Tong (Treas and Web), Sheila Sampson, Nigel Graham, Pete Dunn and Dave Cowood) have any comments you care to make.

I look forward to seeing you out on the road!

Dave Berger (Secretary)