Club Rules and Recommendations

A unicycle on a towpath next to a canal in summer.
A unicycle on a towpath next to a canal in summer.
Guardians of u18 attendees are considered responsible for them, and should therefore read and familiarise themselves with these rules and recommendations.

Club Rules and Recommendations

All attendees of One Wheel Leeds sessions and rides take part so at their own risk.
Attendees are recommended to read and familiarise themselves with the club risk assessments. Especially for outdoor rides due to their varying nature, not all risks are likely to be covered, and attendees are expected to use common sense and have an awareness of their own skill level in order to assess these risks personally.

Cycles must be of the single wheeled variety unless approved by a club official.
Cycles similar in nature to a unicycle (skate-bikes, circus bikes etc.) are generally considered to be acceptable.
Ordinary bicycles are only permitted with prior approval or when supporting another attendee on a unicycle/permitted similar cycle.
Ordinary bicycles are not generally suitable for our indoor events due to space constraints.

Attendees are responsible for the maintenance and repair of their own cycles.
Especially when joining us on outdoor rides, attendees are expected to have a plan for basic maintenance of their cycle and (if necessary) a plan for alternative transport should a catastrophic failure occur. Club officials/ride leaders will have a selection of tools, however these may not be appropriate for your cycle/specific issue. Although repair and maintenance assistance may be provided, this cannot be relied upon, and if provided is done so by an individual not in an official club capacity.

All possessions are an attendees’ own personal responsibility.
Car parking locations may also be recommended by club officials/volunteers, but One Wheel Leeds takes no responsibility for any issues arising from these recommendations.

Attendees under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Following a number of session attendances, this requirement may be relaxed subject to club approval and completion of the appropriate paperwork. In this situation, the attendee must be 14 or older.
We however are not, and do not have the capacity to be a kids club. Young attendees who may attend alone must be assessed to be suitably responsible.

Indoor specifics

No metal parts on cycles may be present that can come into contact with the flooring surface, for example:
o Metal pedals
o Metal end caps on plastic pedals
o Metal (uncovered) handlebars
o Studded tyres
Attendees’ cycles may be assessed on this at any time, and the recovery of costs of any damages caused by non-compliance may be sought from the attendee in question.

Facilities must be left in a clean and tidy state.
Please inform a club official/volunteer of any untidiness/damages that you discover or are unable to immediately resolve satisfactorily.