One Wheel Leeds

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

One Wheel Leeds

A South-East Leeds based group dedicated to single wheeled cyclists!

Our activities 
MTB/Offroad rides
Leisure/Touring rides
Family rides
About us 

One Wheel Leeds are an inclusive Cycling UK affiliated group based in Woodlesford on the South-East side of Leeds, dedicated to current and aspiring single wheeled cyclists! Whether you've never even seen a unicycle before, or you've been unicycling for decades you'll fit right in here. We meet for weekly indoor socials, as well as periodic outdoor rides covering a range of disciplines in a range of locations (typically within the greater Leeds area).

Club membership

We operate as a members club with a nominal charge to cover group costs. As of January 2022 this stands at £5/year. Membership is open to anyone, from any geographical area.

Information about the group rides 


Our indoor socials cater to all skill levels and discipline interests, although due to the hall size 24" or smaller wheels are recommended, and hockey and basketball cannot currently be accommodated. A range of unicycles are available to use if you don't have your own, or travel with it is difficult, and we also have a range of different sizes and styles to try out (on request).


• Members: £5/session • Guests: £5.50/session • Your first session is free!


Our outdoor rides vary in timing, location, and riding style. These rides are free, although as a members club we ask that you join us after your second ride as a guest as membership is what keeps this club alive. Please see the upcoming event listings for more details.