A164 roadworks Jock's Lodge south of Beverley

A164 roadworks Jock's Lodge south of Beverley

Hi all. Anyone coming to Beverley recently cannot help being aware of disruption caused by the upgrading works to the A164 between Beverley and Skidby/Willerby.

In late February three of us, Chris Leach  Roger England and I, met with Dan Cawthra Customer Relations staff member for GRAHAM, the contractors who are doing the work on the A164 Jock's Lodge junction.

Our intention was (and remains) to persuade the contractors and ERYC to fully take into account the safety of cyclists and others crossing the road.

We walked the length of the cycle route between the present traffic lights at Jock's Lodge through to Lazaats.

This involved crossing The A164 (traffic in both directions) a total of 4 times, and negotiating brambles and hawthorns across the path. We also met and spoke to two or three cyclists using the route and crossing the traffic so he (Dan) got extra unsolicited comments.

He was thoughtful and sympathetic, and will be writing up some minutes from the meeting, which we will get a copy of.

I am personally reassured that the final result will be well designed, and partly assured that the interim arrangements can yet be improved.

Quite unprompted Dan did suggest the possibility of a lights-controlled crossing where the refuge used to be, which we agreed would be a good improvement.

If you'd like some bedside reading the attached is Government guidance on building cycle friendly networks - worth looking at section 10 in particular on crossings and junctions.

There is also a project website at;


where you can see "fly-throughs" of the intended finished system  along with the interim cycle track arrangements. These involve crossing the A164 at the Bentley (no vehicle traffic) turn off, and using the eastern cycle track past Lazaats, and down to Mill Lane, thence across the footbridge tp get you to Skidby Mill.

You can also sign up for email updates as they get produced.

Dan also asked if we supported any charities, to which I replied that individually we did, and that C-UK itself is a charity. GRAHAM can and do their own fundraising and can channel this local to where they are working so if you have a pet project he might be able to help support it.

ERYC project manager has a desk just next to where Dan is based and clearly they work closely together.

I am currently chasing up on whether there is an intention to instal lights or a safer crossing arrangement.

Please feel free to make your own representations to either GRAHAM the contractors, and/or ERYC on this matter. More pressure is quite appropriate as a means to get the matter treated seriously.

I'll keep you posted with any developments of note that we hear of or experience

Dave Berger

Secretary EYCTC