Kidical Mass Inverness

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Kidical Mass ride through Inverness in March 2022
Kidical Mass ride through Inverness in March 2022

Kidical Mass Inverness

Event ride
Rallies, shows & conferences

A Europe-wide Kidical Mass weekend on 14/15 May 2022 is aiming to get as many kids out and cycling as possible, showing support for cycle-friendly cities.

Inverness are holding their ride on 14 May, 13:30 starting at Bellfield Park with lots of fun organised for the end.

Kidical Mass Rides are inclusive of all abilities and bike types and are intended to provide fun, safe environments for families and friends to cycle together - they highlight the need for safe, segregated routes that enable children to walk, wheel and cycle.

The vision of Kidical Mass is that all children and young people can safely and independently travel by bicycle.

Space for the next  generation is our motto, using the premise that a child friendly city is good for people of all ages.

Kidical Mass gives kids a voice in the public realm, showing a positive future to work towards, connecting and mobilising old and young, crossing boundaries in the cycling scene. 

Across Europe there are over 200 local groups - it's a unique network of decentralised, self organised, grassroots groups that are stronger together. 


Bellfield Park
United Kingdom
Bellfield Park, Inverness, (gather near the bandstand)