CIVIC SQUARE Pedal on COP26 Birmingham

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CIVIC SQUARE Pedal on COP26 Birmingham


Join Eco Birmingham and Babs on Bikes on a guided ride to the COP26 protest in Birmingham. 

The ride will take you along the canal tow paths, exploring some of the great green spaces and canal paths. We will start at the Floating Front Room, at South Loop Park and head to the Global Day for Climate Justice protest at Eastside Gardens, Millennium Point. The ride is approximately 3 miles.

Dr Bike will be available from 10:30am, this is a complimentary bike check to make sure your bike is in good working order and safe to ride, if you would like to get your bike checked before we start the lead ride.


Political Voice

One of social foundations identified in the heart of Doughnut Economics is political voice. These are are internationally agreed principles as part of the global Sustainable Development Goals agreed in 2015. On the eve of COP26, arguably the most urgent global climate summits of our lifetimes, the importance of raising our voices, holding governments to account, and rising up as people, is more important than ever. We invite you to participate in banner making from 10:30am before we leave for our ride. We will be leaving from The Floating Front Room at 11:45am to head to the COP26 Protest.

For anyone who would like to head back with us we will stay at the protest for an hour and then lead the ride back to South Loop Park. This is optional; you are welcome to stay at the protest and make your own way back.

Event Facilities 
Adequate car parking
B16 0AE
United Kingdom
The Barge, South Loop Park, Rotton Park Street, Birmingham, B16 0AE

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