BDSL Proper Cycling Bradford Cycle Costume Parade practice

BDSL Proper Cycling Bradford Cycle Costume Parade practice

Big Bike Revival

Our adaptive inclusive costume cycle parade as part of Bradford Festival fringe 2019. 

Ride with our BDSL Proper Cycling group as we stay in organised formation out of Capital of Cycling on Hall Ings and over into City park to interact with all the members of the public, performers and visitors to Bradford Festival. For two hours we will ride around and spread love and fun for cycling and adaptive cycling in particular, trying to sign up BBR interested people and signposting folk to cycling opportunities for disabled and non disabled people alike in Bradford District

Hall Ings
United Kingdom
Capital of Cycling on Hall Ings is our meeting point and start point. Our winter training base, we will use the Capital to get set up on our cycles, prepare our participants and cross the road into City Park.