1 in 5 motorists not banned for causing a death

1 in 5 motorists who kill are not banned - is this justice?

1 in 5 motorists not banned for causing a death

CTC, the national cycling charity, has analysed data showing that only 80% of motorists convicted of killing another road user have their licence taken away, compared to 94% ten years ago.

Despite driving bans being mandatory for all causing death by driving offences, CTC found that 20% of those convicted don't have their licences withdrawn.

The data from the Ministry of Justice also shows that the average length of a driving ban given when a fatality was caused has plummeted from 42 months in 2003 to 21 months in 2013.

Causing death by driving offences carry minimum bans of one or two years in length. Judges seem reluctant to impose bans longer than the absolute minimum and in one fifth of cases don't impose a ban at all. 

The figures we have released today underscore the need for a re-evaluation of the use of driving bans. Bans are an appropriate punishment, but in order for them to have an impact on driver behaviour, they should be used more frequently, be considerably longer, and be accompanied by driver education and a full, thorough retest. 

Rhia Weston, CTC's Road Justice Campaign Coordinator

CTC’s Road Justice campaign is calling for more and lengthier driving bans; better education and thorough retesting of drivers who are banned; and greater enforcement of road traffic law, in light of evidence that the number and length of bans have been steadily declining.

CTC also wants the Sentencing Council to make use of its forthcoming review of sentencing guidelines to emphasise longer driving bans as a sentencing option.

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This is outrageous. Why should a motorist who has killed ever be allowed to drive again? Driving is a privilege not a right. See this story for a case in point: http://www.cyclesheffield.org.uk/?p=10376