BIG RIDES for Space for Cycling in London, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester and Bristol

One of LCC's previous Space for Cycling rides

BIG RIDES for Space for Cycling in London, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester and Bristol

On 17 May thousands will be coming out to ride in support of Space for Cycling. With elections just 5 days later, these Big Rides will be a final chance to influence local candidates before the 22nd May elections.

In 2012, the London Cycling Campaign managed to get 10,000 people out on their Big Ride before the Mayoral Election, in pouring rain.

This time, with a guarantee of better weather, it will be even bigger.

Crowds will gather at 11 for a midday start on Park Lane, and ride a couple of miles to Embankment for a rally.

The safe, family-friendly event is organised with the cooperation of the Metropolitan Police and Transport for London, and takes place on motor-traffic-free streets under close supervision of expert ride marshals.

Participants will be encouraged to wear bright colours, fun costumes, to bring flags and banners, and lots of parents and children are expected, along with Londoners from all walks of life.

London will also include feeder rides starting from between 9 and 10 from dozens of locations around Greater London. See this map for locations.

But it's not just London that will be running rides.

If you are based in the south of England, try and make it to London for the LCC ride.  


If you can't make it or already have something planned, you can still help raise awareness by joining the Space for Cycling Thunderclap on social media. This will ensure that messages supporting Space for Cycling are timed to release on Twitter and Facebook at the same time, just as the rides are getting underway. Sign up here!

Photo by Jim Killock used under ShareAlike

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I support the exhortation to CTC members in the South of England to join the London Ride. But there are lots of CTC members in the North of England with 4 rides to choose from if they want to hop on a train, so let's have a bit less of the metropolitan world view and address the whole country please? It's bad enough to have a government dominated by self-serving metropolitan gangs, let's try to at least pretend that CTC is a nationwide campaigning organisation.

Roger's picture

The listing of the rides in Sheffield, Manchester, Leeds and Newcastle is an exhortation for people throughout the country to get along to whatever ride is closest to you. Sorry if that wasn't self-evident.

Alternatively if you are too far away (e.g. Cornwall, the far north of Scotland!), or you're otherwise occupied that day, you can always take part in the 'Thunderclap', wherever you are -

Whatever you do on Saturday, do enjoy it!

There is ONE ride in London and FOUR up north.........stop being such a 'victim' chrisrust.
You have nothing to moan about, so why not just get on your bike and 'get over it'.