Which car ads show breaches of the Highway Code?

A car ad involving driving around with flares was accepted by the ASA

Which car ads show breaches of the Highway Code?

The ASA ruling that outlaws cyclists not wearing helmets and riding outside 'secondary position' is a very hazy interpretation of the Highway Code and cycle training expertise. If you've got examples of car ads that show Highway Code infringements by drivers, let us know and we'll collect them here.

We've already collected many examples of adverts that show cycling to be normal and aspirational, yet would fall foul of the ASA's latest ruling.

To help further Cycling Scotland's appeal, we'd also like to point to the many adverts for cars that show flagrant breaches of the Highway Code.

So let's get started

In a recent Vauxhall Corsa advert, with the strapline "put the fun into driving" (driving kills or injures upwards of 220,000 people a year in the UK), car occupants are seen holding flares out of the window and appear to be drag racing at high speeds down empty streets.

Complaints were made to the ASA on the obvious grounds that this was dangerous - or at the very least careless - driving, but the ASA let off General Motors on the basis that the ad was not linked to the real world. 

The ASA has also in the past excused Volvo for an online ad for one of their cars that suggested that someone was talking on their mobile phone while driving, but the additional safety features of the car kept "another eye on the road". 

This Jaguar ad shows excessive speed and parking which clearly breaches Rule 242 of the Highway Code and committing an offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988, s22 (leaving a vehicle in a dangerous location).

Duncan Kay has below suggested this advert for Mini which shows someone imagining recreating the Italian Job (except this time in Milan rather than Turin).

If you have any other ads please let us know below or on Twitter or Facebook.

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Don't know how BMW Mini got away with this one either unless of course this type of driving is acceptable according to the Italian highway code?

so many tv documentaries which show the driver engaged in busy conversations while driving. Top Gear (of course) is a major culprit, but many programmes show people not paying attention to the road because they are talking to camera. I presume this is to show that the reporter is dynamic and chasing the big story, but it has become a cliché as well as being against the highway code

Andrew Abbess's picture

watched the Audi "Land Of Quattro" TV advert last night

http://www.tvadmusi c.co.uk/2013/ 11/audi-land- of-quattro/

Good - The pedestrian at 0:07 has no hi viz in poor visibility
Good - The cyclist at 0:09 has no hi viz or helmet on snow

Bad - In the foggy & poor visibility scenes at 0:14 -0:16 I have serious doubts that the driver can stop in the distance that they can see, at the speed they are travelling. Even if Audi can prove that Audi Quarto has "superior" ; brakes and it can stop in that distance at that speed, the advert encourages/endorses travelling fast in fog & poor visibility.

Completely agree with Jim. Could CTC put in an FoI to the BBC asking how many collisions have happened while they're filming drivers driving a vehicle and trying to talk to camera at the same time.

Surely if using a hand-held mobile is illegal and even using a hands-free mobile than being slightly over the drink driving limit, then trying to present a TV programme while driving on public roads should be illegal???

Has anyone else noticed the latest corsair ad for the phone connectivity were the car is wandering across the white line and being pulled back at the last second?