Big Bike Revival Cycling Heroes

The real Cycling Heroes of the Big Bike Revival are those who face barriers to cycling; people with social economic and health needs, people from diverse backgrounds; people facing multiple challenges
People who benefit

The Big Bike Revival not only targets people reviving a love of a cycling or beginning for the first time, it engages with people in need, in terms of social, economic and health deprivation.

Delivery partners are experts in addressing social inequalities and breaking down barriers, by reaching people from diverse backgrounds and facing multiple challenges.

NHS porter back on his bike after 15 years

"When I first went out I was scared because it had been a long time since I had done it. I was knackered when I got to the end of the ride but I keep going out and now I am noticing I am going further and getting fitter."

Eric Daye, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Key worker gains time and happiness from commuting by bike

"The Big Bike Revival has helped me get to my place of work safely and with confidence that I can rely on my bike. I also use it for family rides which is a great way for us to get together after work and school I have always tended to commute by bike anyway even before lockdown. Since lockdown it has become even more important to me."

Kerry Catlin, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Student nurse graduates to front line with help of Cycling UK

"Having a reliable bike to get me to work on time, has made such a difference."

Lucy Wilcox, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Danny skips traffic jams thanks to Big Bike Revival bike loan

"I definitely want to make sure I get a bike to ride to work forever."

Danny Blair, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Big Bike Revival gets family cycling together

"When we started lockdown I began seeing all my neighbours going out on bikes I didn’t even know they had, and I really wanted to join them. I was missing cycling so much."

Tracy Pater, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Big Bike Revival provides cherished moments for stretched doctor

"I had an extremely busy week at work and the staff prioritised repair of my bike so I could get back out there with my family on the only day I had off."

David Finn, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

A Big Bike Revival confidence boost

"Even if it’s just a social ride, meeting others for an ice cream feels satisfying when I’ve got there by myself."

Naomi Milne, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

How cycling helped this horse rider get in shape for the show ring

"My bike is perfect and riding uphill gets the heart pumping."

Amanda Millard, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Dr Bike gets Dom cycling after many years away

"Just knowing that the bike is in good condition following the free safety check makes me feel happy to go out for a ride."

Dom Goodwin, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

How I learned to love cycling in 2020

"I have lived here for 30 years and when I go out on a bike, I find places I didn't even know existed."

Linda Clark, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Big Bike Revival keeps Key Worker on the road

"It can be difficult to get back in the saddle, but once you do you realise how much fun it is."

Sarah McGregor, Big Bike Revival for Key Workers beneficiary

How boxing coach Mark used cycling to stay fit and happy

"I was talking to my daughter and we both agreed that cycling was our highlight of 2020."

Mark Gibbs, Big Bike Revival beneficiary

Wally's bike fixed thanks to the Big Bike Revival

"It was just the mechanic and his daughter there and you could tell it was a real family business. Despite being so busy, they were very personable and really helpful in coming up with a solution."

Wally Downes, Dr Bike beneficiary