The Cape Wrath Fellowship: the members

Part of the fun of getting to Cape Wrath is wee ferry - when it runs! Photo: Robert Spanring / Cycling UK
Cycling UK staff take the ferry to Cape Wrath
Cycling UK staff take the ferry to Cape Wrath

The Cape Wrath Fellowship: the members

An estimated 2,000 cyclists have joined the Cape Wrath Fellowship since it was founded in 1949 by Rex 'Ragged Staff' Coley. Here Cycling UK lists the current membership

The Cape Wrath Fellowship was founded and launched by Rex 'Ragged Staff' Coley back in 1949. Since then, each year has seen a steady stream of hardy cyclists joining the ranks of this illustrious and historical fellowship.

In 1992, CTC (Cycling UK's former name) took on the mantle of maintaining the records. Below is the full list of the illustrious Fellowship. There are some gaps however, as records have been mislaid over time, so if your name isn't down there and should be you can sign up again via the button below. 

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Members of the Cape Wrath Fellowship

Initial Last name Year
N John 2018
A Turner 2018
H Scott 2018
A Turner 2018
B Tinley 2018
M Nichol 2018
J Dougan 2017
I Neilson 2017
M Greig 2017
A Hughes 2017
D Murray 2017
S Hind 2017
A Brettridge 2017
B Ritchie 2017
M Hutchinson 2017
W Meyer 2016
J Gibbons 2016
L Francis 2016
H Robert 2016
C Newland 2016
J Chandler-Smith 2016
C Johnstone 2016
R Grimmer 2016
D Cater 2016
D Troke 2016
S Powell 2016
A Kilby 2016
R Hilton 2016
S Amato 2016
F Boninsegna 2015
A Toop 2015
L Craigie 2015
J Gammage 2014
J Duerden 2014
J Duerden 2014
D Smith 2014
K Smith 2014
S Lambourn 2014
B Murray 2014
R Murray 2014
M Graham 2014
J Scott 2014
S Saddington 2014
B Jones 2014
H Richards 2014
S Carter 2014
N Green 2014
L Bishop 2014
B Lee 2014
J Stokes 2013
T Norton 2013
M Jukes 2013
R Ladd 2013
D McKellar 2013
N Howard 2013
P Richards 2013
S Woods 2012
F Allen 2012
S Potts 2012
J Greenhalgh 2012
S Woods 2012
J Slinn 2012
M Hayler 2012
F Aries 2011
S De Clancy 2011
D Moseley 2011
M Truby 2011
N Marston 2011
P Walker 2011
M Langridge 2011
R Langridge 2011
A Prosser 2011
M Truby 2010
A Truby 2010
A Lang 2010
S Lang 2010
R Nash 2010
B Winstanley 2010
J Winstanley 2010
R Ainsley 2010
D Hill 2010
C Revie 2009
S Barron 2009
I Stokes 2009
J Hewitt 2009
J Hewitt 2009
R Ezard 2009
L Ezard 2009
R Young 2009
H Papworth 2009
J Harvey 2009
s casstles 2009
C McRoberts 2009
E Revie 2009
V Richardson 2008
C Mills 2008
D Russell 2008
O Russell 2008
B Taylor 2008
K Rickwood 2008


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