Finding the Cape Wrath Fellowship

Don't forget to snap a selfie at the iconic lighthouse
The lighthouse at Cape Wrath. Photo Robby Spanring
The lighthouse at Cape Wrath. Photo Robby Spanring

Finding the Cape Wrath Fellowship

An estimated 2,000 cyclists have joined the Cape Wrath Fellowship since it was founded in 1949 by Rex 'Ragged Staff' Coley. Over the 70 years since the Fellowship began, details of the earlier members have been lost. Now Cycling UK is calling on the cycling community to help them 'Find the Fellowship'

The Cape Wrath Fellowship was initially administered by Coley until his death in 1985, and then by cycle journalist and CTC member Peter Knottley who took over until 1992. At this point it was passed on to CTC (Cycling UK's former name), which since then has maintained the records.  

Time, office moves and handing over the responsibility for maintaining the record has meant many of the early records have disappeared. Cycling UK wants to restore and preserve this important part of cycling culture in the UK, and is urging everyone who is a member of the Fellowship to check the list, and if they don’t find their name, to register again by sharing a copy of either their certificate or provide photographic evidence.

Speaking to the family of ferrymen who have run the service across the Kyle of Durness for the past 35 years, Cycling UK has heard that cyclists make the crossing on an almost daily basis while the ferry runs. The charity is keen to include all those who have made the journey to the lighthouse by bike in the roll call of the Fellowship, and would urge these cyclists to get in touch and join the Fellowship.

Join the Cape Wrath Fellowship

History     Cape Wrath     Video     Cycle touring     Off-road cycling
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