Graham Brodie - Volunteer Group Secretary and Event Organiser

Graham Brodie - a long-term Cycling UK volunteer
Graham Brodie - a long-standing Cycling UK volunteer
Graham Brodie - a long-standing Cycling UK volunteer

Graham Brodie - Volunteer Group Secretary and Event Organiser

Graham Brodie is perhaps one of our most enthusiastic volunteers and undertakes many roles, from running local groups, helping put on large events such as Devon Delight and Devon Dirt, taking great photos and much more, he is a great example of someone with an enthusiasm and passion for cycling who wants to inspire others to cycle.

Full name, area you live in and name of group or activity you support

Graham Brodie, retired engineer, Devon. I support Devon and Torbay Cycling UK groups. 

What made you decide to volunteer your skills with Cycling UK?

I have been performing various roles and organising events within the organisation since the 1970s.

How much time are you able to commit?

Over the years, regular weekly and daily time commitments. Hours hard to calculate, I'm normally doing something every day. 

What roles do you perform as a volunteer?

  • Publicity and websites for local groups;
  • Organising Audax events such as Devon Delight and Devon Dirt;
  • Support for other events.

What is the greatest challenge you have encountered?

On large events, working with safety groups on risk assessments for events. Quite challenging, and also having to deal with issues running events in a National Park. 

Describe a typical day in your volunteer role.

  • Updating websites and runs lists.
  • Adding photos to websites and sending ride photos to press organisations.

Of all the tasks you have helped with, what are you most proud of?

When an event goes off well, without problems and has good positive feedback.

What did you get out of the experience?

Satisfaction and relief.

Has it enhanced your passion for cycling and have you had the chance to get out more on your bike?

I'm already quite passionate about it, and usually ride whenever there is a 'Y' in the day!

Could you describe your volunteering experience in three words?

Hard but worthwhile.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering with Cycling UK?

Go for it, it's very rewarding.

Find out more about becoming a volunteer

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