Cycle Magazine, February / March 2014

Cycle Magazine, February / March 2014

In this issue: CTC members' survey said... Bike fitting, Wessex three-day cyclo-sportive, Cycle touring in the Hebrides, Carbon road bikes with mudguards, Oxford Bike Works Model 1 for the ladies, Rigid MTB forks, Brussels to the Black Sea...
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PDF icon Cover417.97 KB
PDF icon Contents280.13 KB
PDF icon News - Positive signals; £30K for Fill That Hole; Ready, Sheddy, Go; CTC champions adapted cycles; Stop right there!; Seeing sense 690.26 KB
PDF icon News - Team up for new MTB tour; Hebrides tour after AGM; London Bike Show returns; Tour de France Festival507.1 KB
PDF icon Our survey said... - Almost 2,500 of you put finger to keyboard to tell us about yourself, your cycling habits, and your views on CTC in our 2013 member online survey. Here's what you said398.35 KB
PDF icon Gear up - Race Face narrow wide 30T chainring; CTC Perfomance lightweight training jacket; Revolights; Bikeconsole Iphone 4 bike mount; Biologic Fixkit; Magnic lights; Redwood Clyclemate487.29 KB
PDF icon Letters287.17 KB
PDF icon My bike - 1894 Crypto Bantam262.21 KB
PDF icon CTC & Me - The Tour Leader249.37 KB
PDF icon Great rides - Brussels to the Black Sea861.4 KB
PDF icon Fitting the bill? - A professional bike fit costs around £100. What do you get for you money and is it worth it? Editor Dan Joyce tries three to decide1.42 MB
PDF icon Great rides - Hardriders' Wessex603.19 KB
PDF icon Taking the lead - CTC's new Club Leader course trains cyclists to run group rides that are enjoyable and safe. Instructor Greg Woodford describes what's involved868.68 KB
PDF icon Great rides - Easter Islands638.37 KB
PDF icon Practical cycle-proofing - Cycle-proofing is about fixing the problems of the road network, particularly those routes that carry lots of traffic. CTC Campaigns Officer Chris Peck explains628.31 KB
PDF icon Q&A - Mudguard size; Which new steel?; Chafing gear cables; Living with a hernia; Expensive justice? 676.26 KB
PDF icon Bike test - Carbon originals575.78 KB
PDF icon Bike test - Oxford Bike Works Model 1558 KB
PDF icon Group test - Rigid MTB forks323.96 KB
PDF icon Benefits & special offers for CTC members - Member benefits166.02 KB
PDF icon Travellers' tales - Thailand, Laos & Myanmar; Riding the Rallervegen433.49 KB