Government told: "stop treating cycling like a poor relation"

CTC President Jon Snow calls for the government to make good on its promises.
Victoria Hazael's picture

Government told: "stop treating cycling like a poor relation"

At the start of the Conservative Party Conference, representatives from a coalition of cycling groups have called on the government to “stop treating cycling like a poor relation” and create a long-term, properly-resourced cycling strategy.
On behalf of the UK Cycling Alliance, Chris Boardman addressed MPs and local authority representatives at a conference breakfast event this morning. He called for decisive action for cycling. 
Chris Boardman told MPs: “Cycling as a mode of transport is currently being treated as an add-on, a nice-to-have, treated like a poor relation - money thrown in its direction when it’s fashionable. You would not plan the rail network this way, nor the road network, so why is it acceptable to treat cycling like this? Especially when cycling on its own would do so much more for the health and well-being of our nation. 
“As a country we have so far failed to put any of the essential ingredients in place for cycling: no meaningful targets, no long-term targeted funding, no national, joined-up strategy.”
CTC President Jon Snow also demanded more to be done and for MPs to promise funding. 
The Government has had plenty of time to talk about what it intends to do for cycling. Now it must make good on its promises. If it is serious about showing leadership on cycling, it must commit to funding of £10 per person per year to create the conditions where cycling becomes a safe and normal way for anyone to make day-to-day journeys. This is just a fraction of the overall transport budget and will bring huge economic, environmental and health benefits."

Jon Snow
CTC President 

Transport Minister Robert Goodwill MP also spoke at the event.
As well as CTC and British Cycling,  the UK Cycling Alliance event is supported by Sustrans, the London Cycling Campaign, Cyclenation and the Bicycle Association.
The call comes one year after 100 MPs unanimously supported the recommendations of the Get Britain Cycling report published by the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group (APPCG). The report outlined its recommendations for funding of £10 per person per year and  prompted the Prime Minister David Cameron to say that he wanted to launch a 'cycling revolution' which received an unopposed vote of support in a parliamentary debate. Publication of the Government’s Cycling Delivery Plan is still awaited. 
Following the publication last year of the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Get Britain Cycling report, the UK Cycling Alliance has been working to get MPs from all parties signed up to its recommendations. 
This evening CTC and PushBikes are holding a Space for Cycling ride to show MPs that cycling matters. Hundreds of cyclists are expected to show their support. The event starts at 6pm in Victoria Square.
Contact information 

CTC Press Office
Telephone: 01483 238 315 or 07786320713

Notes to editors 

About the UK Cycling Alliance

The UK Cycling Alliance consists of the Bicycle Association, British Cycling, CTC, Cyclenation, London Cycling Campaign, and Sustrans. This is an informal group of non-government and membership organisations working in and on behalf of cycling. The alliance works in collaboration to influence policy and direction at all levels of government, both at Westminster and in Whitehall.

About Get Britain Cycling

The Get Britain Cycling inquiry was an initiative of the APPCG, a cross party body with members in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords, with the aim “to enable more people across the UK to take up cycling, cycle more often and cycle more safely”. The report consists of recommendations around five broad principles needed to Get Britain Cycling including, a new priority for investing public funds, redesigning our roads streets and communities; safe driving and safe speed limits; training and education; and strong political leadership

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