Cautionary tale to cyclists to consider third party insurance!

Cautionary tale to cyclists to consider third party insurance!

Braking to avoid a squirrel could have hit a Leicester cyclist in the pocket after his honourable intentions caused another cyclist riding behind him to fall off.

This cautionary tale is just one of many as CTC, the national cycling charity announce its insurers have paid out over £98,000 in third party claims in the last insurance year, with a further potential of £250,000 outstanding. (2011 – 2012) 

When it comes to number crunching, you are more likely to be injured in an hour of gardening than in an hour of cycling * but with more of us on the roads on two wheels the odd bump into a wing mirror, scrape with a parked car or even crashing into another cyclist, is inevitable.

The charity fears many cyclists don’t realise they could be personally liable and stung for thousands of pounds in repairs or compensation if they don’t have third party insurance.

CTC’s Chief  Executive Gordon Seabright says “Having third party insurance means peace of mind when you are cycling. Being prepared for the unforeseen is just what we do with our home and car insurance so why should our bikes be any different ? ”

One CTC member was saved £442 when he damaged a barrier at a campsite in France, another £1,400 for damaging a parked car in the snow in Derbyshire. There are on-going payments to a fellow cyclist after a CTC member  hit  another cyclist on a ride, so far in that case £10k has been paid out . A pedestrian who claimed to have been hit by a cyclist on a zebra crossing received £15,000 in compensation and legal costs.

Brokers Butterworth Spengler spokesman Mark Robinson said “From minor paint work damage costing a few pounds to more serious incidents involving injuries, it is vital for cyclists to protect themselves by carrying third party liability cover.”

CTC estimates hundreds of  thousands of cyclists could be without third party cover which is included in CTC £41 annual membership.


Contact information 

CTC Press Office


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