Women show their cycling spirit at the Wirral Celebration Ride

Mayor of Wirral and Ride Leaders gather for Wirral Celebration Ride
Helen Cook's picture

Women show their cycling spirit at the Wirral Celebration Ride

As part of the Women's Festival of Cycling, Cycling UK staff and Trustees, partners and supporters all came together to run an impressive road event in Wirral, offering three different ride distances exclusively for women.

Despite the weather being touch and go, nothing could dampen the spirits of over 80 women who took part in Cycling UK's women-focused ride on Saturday 29 July, named the Wirral Celebration Ride.

An all-female band of ride leaders from a variety of organisations including Breeze and Pedalaway, came together under the banner of Cycling UK's Women's Festival of Cycling to run three different ride distances. On the day, four groups took part in the 35-mile route, three on the 15-mile route and one on the five-mile route.

A number of participants said they had never cycled as far as 15 or 35 miles before, but found the atmosphere and support of the groups helped spur them on to achieving their furthest distance yet.

It's very encouraging to hear people at the end of their rides swapping numbers and making plans to cycle more often. That is one of the core objectives we were looking to achieve through the Women's Festival of Cycling.

Chris Alston, Cycling UK's Community Development Officer for Liverpool City region

A large number of women riding took the opportunity to challenge themselves in different ways, by riding as part of a new group or in a new area. The 35-mile ride followed the route of the Wirral Circular Trail, with stops for lunch and refreshments, with the 15 and five-mile routes taking the coastal path. Everyone who took part was treated to a goodie bag and certificate to celebrate their achievement.

Cycling UK's Community Development Officer for Liverpool City region, Chris Alston said: "There was a really friendly supportive atmosphere in the groups and we are very grateful to everyone who took part, especially the Ride Leaders who enabled us to cater for such a large number of participants. It's very encouraging to hear people at the end of their rides swapping numbers and making plans to cycle more often. That is one of the core objectives we were looking to achieve through the Women's Festival of Cycling."

The team were also delighted to welcome Councillor Ann McLachlan, the Mayor of Wirral, to proceedings who chatted to cyclists and congratulated participants for their efforts.

With so much energy and interest from everyone involved, we look forward to holding the next Wirral Celebration Ride next year.

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