Edinburgh Bike Station

Edinburgh Bike Station

From what started as an informal bike swap, the Edinburgh Bike Station has grown to become Scotland's largest bicycle recycling organisation, and takes in over 10,000 old and discarded bikes a year. Their aim is to re-use as many bicycles as they can, giving them a new lease of life - in 2014 the Edinburgh Bike Station reached the milestone of recycling its 40,000th bike.

About the centre 

The Bike Station is Scotland's largest, and one of its longest established, bike recycling charities.  

They have three main aims:

1)  To encourage and promote good mental and physical health through encouraging people to cycle;

2)  To help people learn to ride their bicycles safely and to be able to repair them themselves;

3)  To help the environment by recycling and by promoting cycling as a means of transport.

Activities available at the centre 
  • Second-hand, refurbished bikes for sale
  • Bike donations
  • Bike maintenance and repair 
  • Fix your own bike
  • Cycle training
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Dr Bike sessions
  • Community cycling projects



Centre activities 
Recycling Centre

244 Causewayside



Opening times 

Monday: 10am - 5pm (donations only)

Tuesday: 10am - 5pm

Wednesday: 10am - 5pm

Thursday: 10am - 5pm

Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 5pm