Chesterfield Cycle Campaign

Cycling UK Affiliated Group

Chesterfield Cycle Campaign

Welcome to Chesterfield Cycle Campaign homepage, who are an affiliated group of CyclingUK.

Our activities 
Campaigning group
About us 

Chesterfield Cycle Campaign aims to increase the cycle infrastructure in and around the town and show that cycling is a viable and sustainable form of local transport.

These aims are enshrined in both the Local Transport Plan and Planning Policy Guidance document 13 which relates to transport. The Campaign is an official consultee for Chesterfield Borough Councils Planning Department.  As such we are able to offer advice an how cycling measures can be incorporated into developments. We are also consulted by Derbyshire County Councils Road department to comment on proposed road enhancement schemes.

The Campaign's business and ideas are discussed at our monthly meetings. The meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in the Chesterfield Community Centre off South Place, Chesterfield at 7.30pm. Agendas and minutes are available via the menu on the left.

Members of the committee regularly meet representatives of Borough and County councils at liaison meetings.

Our goal is to have a comprehensive network of good quality cycle routes linked together to enable local jouneys to be easily undertaken by bike.

Following many years of lobbying the Councils to produce a cycle map to no avail the Campaign published its own. In 2012 we published a heavily revised and expanded map.

Information about the group rides 
Our area