

Approved by the Annual General Meeting June 2018 and amended by the committee, February 2023

1. NAME: The name of the organisation is ‘Dorset Cyclists Network’ which may be abbreviated to DCN.

2. OBJECTIVE:    The objective of DCN shall be to promote cycling in any legal manner throughout Dorset, Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole.

3. MEMBERSHIP:      
a. Membership is open to all, with the reservation that the elected committee of DCN (‘the Committee’) has the power at its discretion to refuse or cancel membership in the interests of DCN.       
b. Membership data is held in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

a. DCN shall be managed by the Committee which may set up branches throughout Dorset, Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole.   Each branch will each be responsible for the DCN objective in its respective area.
b. Rules for the management of branches shall be decided by the Committee.

5. The COMMITTEE:    
a. Each branch of DCN shall be entitled to one place on the Committee.          
b. The Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of DCN.      
c. If a majority of members present at an AGM agree, officers and Committee members may be elected to serve for one, two or three years.

6. OFFICERS:        
a. The Committee will elect a Treasurer who may be additional to branch representatives.      
b. The Committee may also elect a County Coordinator, a Secretary, a Membership Secretary and other officers as it deems necessary.    
c. Specific functions may be assigned to the Committee members

7.  CO-OPTED COMMITTEE MEMBERS: The Committee may co-opt additional members but they shall not be entitled to vote on Committee decisions

8. The COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES:  The Committee shall be responsible for:   
a. Finance, including approving expenditure, setting the level of membership subscription and overseeing other sources of income.     
b. Deciding general policy on cycling issues.      
c. Publicity and advertising.    
d. Communication with members including emailed newsletter and website.    
e. Giving support to DCN branches in carrying out their functions.     
f. Giving support to individual members where no branch exists.  
g. Communication with the press and outside bodies on cycling issues in general.

a. Decisions of the Committee may be made at meetings, by telephone or email.    
b. Decisions will be made by a majority vote of Committee members made by any of the aforesaid modes of communication.
c. At least one Committee meeting shall take place annually in addition to the Annual General Meeting.    
d. For a decision to be valid there must be a quorum of at least half the Committee.     
e. All Committee members must be notified of proposals requiring a decision at least one calendar month beforehand.

a. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in May or June and shall be open to all members and the general public.     
b. Only recorded members shall vote.
c. The date and place of the AGM shall be notified to members at least two calendar months beforehand, via DCN newsletter or its website.    
d. Nominations for the Committee shall contain the consent of the person nominated and shall be received by the County Coordinator or General Secretary at least seven days beforehand, or if there are vacancies nominations may be made at the AGM.      
e. No resolution shall be adopted at the AGM unless notice of the motion has been lodged with the County Coordinator or Secretary at least seven days beforehand.     
f. The County Coordinator or Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting at the request of any member who has the support of thirty or more households on the current membership list.  The request must be made in writing to the County Coordinator or secretary and shall state the purpose of the meeting at which no other business shall be discussed.

a. The Treasurer shall keep accounts of income and expenditure and shall submit to the AGM a balance sheet.
b. The Treasurer shall open a suitable account approved by the Committee in which shall be deposited all money not required for its immediate needs.        
c. The Committee may authorise the County Coordinator, Treasurer or other Officer to sign cheques.  
d. In the event of DCN ceasing to exist, any outstanding balance and other assets shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Committee, to the benefit of other groups campaigning for cyclists.