Wold Newton 14th May 2023

Wold Newton 14th May 2023

Cycling UK Louth Ride to Wold Newton

Sunday 14th May 2023:

A three way split for the club as some members had opted to view the Lincoln Grand Prix whilst others preferred to enter the Blood Cancer Grimsby Branch Bikeathon starting at East Ravendale. Hoping all had a productive and enjoyable day.

Tim Newbery, John Ambler, Rob Cook and Chris Owen, who had cycled in from home, all met up at Louth's Meridian Leisure Centre for the ride to Wold Newton for coffee, tea and cake. Lots of cake.

The day started off chilly, temperatures only 8 Degrees Celsius, and overcast with a little drizzle. Not the best admittedly. We had however been promised by the Met Office and BBC bright or even sunny skies by lunchtime with highs of 18 or 19 degrees later in the afternoon. We were certainly looking forward to some 'spring' conditions.

A steady pace as we progressed through Brackenborough, the Covenham's and Fulstow. Our route up to the Wolds today would be one of John's favourites with a climb up past Hawerby cum Beesby. It was at this point that the sun did indeed start to break through the cloud and necessitated a stripping off of at least one layer of clothing.

With the warmth, birdsong became increasingly noticeable and made for a very pleasant background for the journey up to Scallows Hall Plantation. An easy and relatively short section to the Village Hall at Wold Newton from here.

As always, the good folk at the Hall provided endless cups of tea and coffee and Chris particularly enjoyed the cheese, ham and tomato quiche, followed by delicious Bakewell Tart.

With the weather becoming almost 'summerlike' a decision was made to head to Tetney via the Grainsby Estate and extend our ride. The club had never been to The Plough in Tetney and so it would be interesting to try it out as a Sunday lunchtime venue. Rob ascertained that a restaurant is being built so today, beer and soft drinks only. We would continue to Tetney Lock instead (Chris would leave us here) and head to the Crown and Anchor for hot and cold drinks and sandwiches.

Our return would take us along the attractive and thankfully, very quiet lanes through the West End and once more the Covenhams and Brackenborough.

Arrived back in Louth by 2.30 pm having covered 40 miles. Chris was delighted in achieving 47. Temperatures had indeed risen to 19 degrees. A grand day out and many thanks to all for the company.