Trails for Wales at the Senedd

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Several people with bikes stand behind a banner reading 'Support Trails for Wales'
Several people with bikes stand behind a banner reading 'Support Trails for Wales'

Trails for Wales at the Senedd

Campaigning event

Cycling UK's Trails for Wales campaign has been bubbling away in in the background with lots of conversations about how we can move things forward, but it's now time to reignite Welsh Government’s stated, documented and much welcome commitment to open up the nation’s stunning natural environments to more people.

Join us outside the Senedd to show the strength of public support for the Welsh Government's commitment to increase access to the countryside. We'll be speaking to MSs and asking how they will take action to ensure that the changes are progressed, so that our health, wellbeing and rural businesses can all benefit.

We will be at Roald Dahl Plaza from 12-2pm, with a huge scale map of Wales. If you have an example of a path in your constituency area which would bring great benefits if you had access to cycle on it, come and add it to the map!

We're aiming to get a big group photo at 1pm, so please be there for that if you can.

United Kingdom

Contact details

Gwenda Owen