Coronation Bank Holiday Weekend Ride to Tetney Lock

Coronation Bank Holiday Weekend Ride to Tetney Lock

Cycling UK Louth’s Coronation Bank Holiday Ride

Sunday 7th May 2023:

Meeting up at Louth’s Meridian Leisure Centre were Tim Newbery, Alan Hockham, Paul Linder, Chris Owen, John Ambler and Rob Cook. A great turnout. Weather had been promised to be warm with top temperatures of at least 18 Degrees Celsius with the chance of afternoon showers.

Leaving a shade after 09.30 am, a ride initially to Appleby’s Ice Cream Parlour at Conisholme. We would be delighted to meet up with John Rickett soon after departure and it would be a pleasant ride in slight breezes and almost ‘muggy’ conditions.

The road surface from Eleven Greens to Howdales and Skidbrooke has continued to subside and there are an increasing number of potholes to avoid but we made good progress and were soon passing through Berry Green Bridge and Mill Bridge. A few raptors were spotted enroute with sightings of swifts and martins, fresh from their lengthy migration.

Arriving at Appleby’s on schedule, a mix of hot drinks, delicious fruit scones and toasted teacakes went down well and John Ambler would opt for an ice cream, as on this occasion bacon baps were not on the menu.

Next, a shortish onward journey to Tetney Lock via Grainthorpe and the West End, where Chris would depart for his homebound journey. The cloud was struggling to break but bursts of sunshine lifted our spirits.

Tim had been in search of a ‘Kings Arms’ but the ‘Crown and Anchor’ was a good alternative on this celebratory weekend. Rob needed to return for tasks at home that needed completion whilst the remaining group sat down for a leisurely lunch over amiable chat. Having arrived at a little past noon, we were informed that food was indeed available and the staff were soon serving soups, baguettes and portions of chips.

A 1 pm departure had given time for the sunshine to clear away much of the cloud and we enjoyed an increasingly warm return, noting villages festooned with bunting and street parties in full flow. St Bartholomew’s in Covenham was offering beer, hot drinks and Lincolnshire sausages whilst a local band played to the crowd.

Arrived back at the Leisure Centre at 2 pm, having covered close to 40 miles. Temperatures had risen to 20 Degrees Celsius, the highest of the year so far.

A great day out and thanks to all for their company. We were glad to hear that Reg had also been out on his bike and hope to see him again soon.