Landmark Café 5th March 2023

Landmark Café 5th March 2023

Cycling UK Louth Sunday 5th March 2023

First Sunday in Spring - Landmark Café, Ashby Top:

The weather forecast had over the last few days changed from scattered showers to mainly dry, so all was set for a fair-weather ride to Ashby Top and the Landmark Café which we had enjoyed a few Wednesdays ago.

Joining ride Leader Tim Newbery at the Leisure Centre in Louth were John Weeks, John Rickett and Chris Owen who had all cycled in from their respective homes, and also Alan Hockham. Apologies had been sent from John Ambler and Paul Linder.

Setting a very steady pace, Tim would take the lead for the ride through Brackenborough and the Covenhams. A bit chilly (temperatures around 5 Degrees Celsius) but winds were fortunately quite light.

Turning off Thoresby Road at Grainsby Holme we would continue along the valley of Grainsby’s Old Fleet Drain and Waithe Beck. The local names originate from these water courses with ‘Grein’ (Grainsby) being Old Norse for a fork in a river and ‘Waed’ (Waithe) being Old English for a ford.

Scheduled to arrive at the Landmark Café by 11.30 am we arrived a few minutes early and were shown to our table. Great views all the way to the coast and Chris commented that he could clearly see Grimsby’s Dock Tower. Fine refreshments were enjoyed by all and we were sorry that Paul couldn’t be with us as he would have loved the smashed avocado.

Chris would head back home from the Landmark Café whilst John Weeks would continue with us past Wold Newton, eventually turning off at Salters Lane for his homeward route via Kelstern. We were now at our highest altitude of the ride at about 125 m and would enjoy a brisk descent at North Elkington all the way to The Dales.

Following our route back through Brackenborough, we arrived at the Meridian Leisure Centre about 1.20 pm and were treated to hot drinks and snacks courtesy John Rickett. Many thanks John.

A great day out and popular with other cyclists too as we frequently encountered groups and solo riders enjoying a spin, no doubt getting a few miles in before wintry weather sets in next week.

Paul’s ride next Sunday.