Mince Pie Run 2022

Mince Pie Run 2022

Mince Pie Run 2022

After a break of a few years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the famous 'Mince Pie Cycle Run' once more took place at Belton Village Hall on Sunday 18th December 2022.

The weather was far from ideal, with a particularly cold day and icy roads across the East Midlands. Indeed, the weather was so severe that a number of Cycling UK / CTC clubs across the region had to cancel their rides but it was good to see members from CTC Derby and Burton, Notts CTC and Leicestershire and Rutland Cyclists' Touring Club amongst others. Numbers attending the event were understandably down from the last time it was held in 2019 but with the hard work from lead organiser John Catt and his team of volunteers the event didn’t make a loss and there was a surplus of £14.

Thanks also to the efforts of Derek and his team of helpers on the Tombola, he will be able to present Rainbows Children's Hospice with a cheque to the value of £564.50 raised from the tombola and generous donations. A magnificent achievement in the circumstances.

The Loughborough Echo, published Wednesday 28th December ran an article on the event which is attached to the gallery.

*All photographs published in the gallery are with due credit to and by kind permission of Steve Marriott. Original copies are available to purchase through Steve* Email: photographerpg1@btinternet.com

A Brief History of the Mince Pie Run

Originally, the 'Loughborough Mince Pie Run' started informally on a wet Sunday CTC run nearly 45 years ago - Christmas Eve 1978, when Jessie and Ian Hay invited the half dozen bedraggled cyclists’ home to Long Whatton for hot mince pies and coffee. Then their son Nigel turned up with some equally sodden Loughborough RC members - and the idea for the Mince Pie Run was born!

By 1982, Loughborough Mince Pie Run had already become an institution popular with cyclists all across the East Midlands, with a good chance of meeting people you hadn't seen for months.

The event over the years had evolved and is now organised by Cycling UK East Midlands Region and takes place at Belton Village Hall to accommodate the large number of cyclists turning up. There's also a Tombola in aid of Rainbows Children's Hospice

Peter Hopkins (a past President of Leicestershire and Rutland Cyclists’ Touring Club) said “Sadly Jessie and Ian are no longer with us, but years before they died they had seen their hospitable get-together for a few friends on that long ago Christmas Eve develop into a major event on the cycling scene.”