Swaby in the Gales

Swaby in the Gales

Autumn Visitor for a Wednesday Wander

Wednesday 5th October 2022

With a forecast of very windy conditions and heavy rain, the official Wednesday Wander to Swaby had been cancelled. Indeed, at 10 am winds were averaging 30 mph and gusts were recorded at 40 to 44 mph form nearby stations. Rain was due by midday.

However, this had not put off John Weeks (Cycling UK Lincoln) from cycling over for a ride. Kudos to John, sprightly as ever at a young 82 years of age. Sadly, with Louth's ride cancelled, he would head out on a solo ride but he was pleased to be able to test the bikes strength's in such blustery conditions.

Hoping we'll see John again before too long but we'll need to do better in arranging the weather!