Burnley and Pendle CTC - Club News - Q3/2022

Burnley and Pendle CTC - Club News - Q3/2022

It's been quite a while since we last published our newsletter, but rest assured, we've had a busy summer, with two rides every Sunday, twice-monthly mid-week rides, and a weekend away in the Lake District.

We've also completed three challenge rides over the summer months, building up from 25 miles for beginners, to 50 miles, and finally our 100 mile in 8 hours. Congratulations to all the riders completing these rides:

25 mile

  • Jim Duerden
  • Jackie Duerden
  • Sue Wallace
  • Chris Wallace
  • David Tinker

50 mile

  • Jim Duerden
  • Jackie Duerden
  • Sue Wallace
  • Chris Wallace
  • David Lowden

100 mile

  • Mark Clegg
  • David Tinker
  • Joolz Hampton
  • John Ramsden
  • Roger Taylor

Below is a taster of some of the other rides we've completed this summer, a report on our recent weekend away based in Cockermount, kindly written by Margaret Brown, and details of this years Christmas Dinner.

PDF icon 2022_10-12.pdf1.11 MB
PDF icon xmas_lunch.pdf5.72 MB