Calderdale CTC Evening Rides are Back!

Calderdale CTC Evening Rides are Back!

Those of you who are members of our Facebook group will know that weekly Evening Rides are back, starting this Tuesday!.Andrew Mann has volunteered to coordinate them and has written this message:

Hello Fellow Members

As you will have seen on the Facebook page we are re-starting a weekly evening club ride.

  • The day chosen is Tuesday and the meeting time will be 19:15 to leave at 19:30 sharp!
  • We will aim to finish by 21:30. People may then want to adjourn to the pub.
  • For convenience and the avoidance of any doubt we are only going to have the one start place and this will be at the front of Halifax Swimming Pool, Skircoat Rd, Halifax HX1 2JN
  • I will be designated ride leader for these rides unless I am unable to attend when I will ask for volunteers to step in.
  • However if anyone else wants to lead a ride on any Tuesday evening and has a route in mind then this is fine by me. Just let me know in advance via the email:           .
  • Destinations/routes will be selected on the night by those attending and my aim is to avoid main roads as much as possible and include greenways, towpaths and bridleways as well as the usual lanes but nothing that will require a mountain bike!
  • We will be going at a steady pace and new members are most welcome and we will not leave anyone behind as per the Club motto.
  • Bring lights!!

I look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me via   

Andrew Mann, Tuesday Night Ride Co-ordinator

PS You can find our Facebook group at