DA Anniversary 2022

DA Anniversary 2022

Cycling UK Louth Ride to the CTC Lincolnshire DA Anniversary - Sunday 22nd May 2022

After waiting over 2 years (due to Covid-19) to hold our 90th District Association Anniversary Lunch, an Inter-Lincolnshire Group Meet up at The White Hart Inn, Ludford finally took place today. It was back on the 25th May 1930 when the ‘North Lincolnshire DA’ was inaugurated, encompassing that part of the county north of a line drawn through Skegness, Horncastle, Lincoln and Dunham Bridge.

Tim and Paul representing Cycling UK Louth would cycle over to the venue whilst we were scheduled to meet up with Chris and Ying, Rod and Flora, Alan, Karen and Trina and Reg at The White Hart Inn. Sadly, Barry had fallen ill in the night and was in A and E in Lincoln Hospital. It was great however that Jim was able to come across and join in (also very importantly delivering the ‘Birthday Cake’). Apologies had been received from Rob Cook, John Ambler, John Rickett and Mike Gray.

Sunday was set to be the best day of the weekend weather-wise and we had been promised increasingly sunny skies and a top temperature of an above average 20 degrees Celsius. And so it was that Tim and Paul set off from Louth’s Leisure Centre in fine conditions with a pleasant ascent to the Bluestone Heath Road. Recent rainfall had ‘greened’ up the hedgerows which were bursting with new growth and colour of wild flowers. Pastel shades of pink willowherb, red campion and the delicate blue of hedgerow speedwell most prominent.

Downhill now via Red Hill and a run along the Bain Valley to Donnington on Bain. The name Donnigton was originally Dunesthorp. Time for refreshments in this attractive Lincolnshire Wolds Village with Jenny serving hot mugs of coffee.

Leaving on schedule for the rendezvous with other Louth, Lincoln and Gainsborough Members, Tim and Paul would ascend once more, this time to the High Street. Along the way we would enjoy great views of Belmont Transmitting Station and Stenigot Tower. Continuing along the ‘Lindsey Trail’ we would soon pass through Haniton Park and then onwards to Sixhills and Luford Magna.

Midday now and Rob and Andy from Cycling UK Lincoln were already waiting for us. We were soon meeting up with Jim who had very kindly come across with the cake, Trevor from Cycling UK Gainsborough, Reg and Rod Forster who arrived by bike (great work guys), Flora, Chris, Ying, Alan, Karen and Trina. Great to see all of you.

The good folk at the White Hart Inn had put on a splendid buffet. The table groaned with the number of sandwiches, pies, fruits and salad. There was no way would be able to mange to eat all of the food provided. Pub regulars would enjoy free afternoon snacks! Michelle Lenton had also made a spectacular cake for our anniversary which was admired and enjoyed.

Buffet and cake consumed and with (thankfully) only a short speech from Tim, members departed in various directions for home. Reg, Trevor, Paul and Tim would pedal their way initially to Thorpe Top and Burkinshaws Top. Reg would say cheerio form here whilst the remaining trio would go onto Binbrook and Swinhope Brats. For Trevor this was largely new territory and he enjoyed the ride to Salter’s Lane and the historic route to the Silver Lincs Way. The wild garlic was now maturing but the distinctive smell all pervasive still.

Time to admire the views of the medieval deserted village in North Ormsby and the 14th Century pack horse bridge in Utterby, once used by Salt Drovers carrying salt from the coastal strip.

Returning to Louth by 3.30 pm, Tim had covered 40 miles. Trevor would from here accompany Paul to Alford. For Paul about 70 miles and maybe 130 for Trevor!

Many thanks to all for their support and company. We wish Barry a speedy recovery and hope that he’s home soon.