Back Out on the NCR-81.

NCR-81 Bicycle Led Ride Tour

Back Out on the NCR-81.

Always welcoming new participants here at handlebars & Saddles.
Okay, it was drizzling rain, but, it was good to get out & about.

A led ride out on the NCR-81, up to Horsely Fields Junction and back in.
It is amazing too what you see, be it, historic monuments like the 
'Shargarhi battle monument"

Or, be it the odd Heron we ride close by on the canal towpath,
it really does your mental & physical health good to get out there for a few hours.

What is even better mind, is taking along some other cycling enthusiasts
to share the experience of the great outdoors and all that is on offer
whilst we walk through life and all of it's wondrous events.

Talking of events, Handlebars & Saddles are busy 
exploring new routes for it's club members/participants.

'Oh, almost forgot,'
why not share a beverage and a sandwich from the 'Well Lane Cafe'.

So, keep us in mind and check in on this page for the latest information.
You all have a great day now.