Worcester & Malvern CTC Newsletter Spring 2022

Worcester & Malvern CTC Newsletter Spring 2022

Tuesday Group Rides starting again!

Tuesday rides ceased last December due to the increase in cases of the Omnicron variant.Now that all restrictions have been lifted, group rides are again possible. Cycling UK advice is to use common sense in a manner which minimises risk to riders and others from the virus.

A ride was organised and advertised on the Club Calendar for 2nd March. Peter Greenway led five of us from Alfrick to the Willow Barn café at Lower Wick.

Based on this positive response we are re-starting regular two-weekly Tuesday rides. The next ride is on 15th March from Upton to Croome Court, led by your Chairman. Details are on the Calendar. This will be an easy-paced and flat ride to get us used to riding in groups again.

Further rides are posted for 29th March and 12th April and Ride Leaders are sought. Will you volunteer to lead a ride? Contact us at wandmctc@gmail.com


Committee Meeting

This will be held on 16th March, where we will discuss getting Saturday and Wednesday evening rides going again.

If you have anything to raise or - even better - would like to join the committee contact  wandmctc@gmail.com


Support your Club!

John Bennett

Chair W&M CTC
