WMPCCC Meets Birchills Agenda 21, 'a milestone achieved today'

WMPCCC Meets Birchills Agenda 21, Dec 23ed2021

WMPCCC Meets Birchills Agenda 21, 'a milestone achieved today'

Wow, what a day, setting off from WMPCCC at 09:40 and heading out to meet up with Birchills agenda 21 Cycling Club.
The weather was not that bad, low hanging cloud, bit of drizzle here and there, but, the journey worth the ride for sure.
'Our very first Community Park Link up' has been done, what a way to end the year indeed.
A huge thanks to Birchills Agenda 21 and all of the crew there today, mince pies, toast and a beverage to carry the celebration on high.
Plans now going ahead to link up other community parks through led rides underway.

So, to both WMPCCC 'and' Birchills Agenda 21 Cycling Clubs, may you have a Great Christmas and a 'Very' Exciting and Prosporous New year, Well Done All Of You.
Posted December 23rd, 2021.