10-12 mile led ride, traffic free, progressive distance recorded upon each participants attendance.

10-12 mile led ride, traffic free, progressive distance recorded upon each participants attendance.

Hi Folks of WMPCCC, just letting you know that, the accumulative distance you have completed so far , in total of your attendance is.... 45 Kilometres.
Wow, and that's a fantastic result, you all should be very proud indeed.

Now we have obtained your ability's through your attendance here at Willenhall Memorial Park Community Cycling Club, we can now venture further a field upon your future attendance's.
Eventually increasing our distance ability's to then be able to take part in a 10-12 mile Led Ride, traffic free, and hopefully refreshments about half way.
So, you should be proud and also excited of the future events we shall have in store for you.
Well done everyone, see you at the next session, Monday 10:30-12:30 and Thursdays 10:30 12:30.
Have a great weekend now.