Burnley and Pendle CTC - Club News - Q4/2021

Burnley and Pendle CTC - Club News - Q4/2021

Whilst Covid is still ever present in the news, it seems an age since lockdown stopped our rides for over 12 months. Our club runs have now been back on, every Sunday and Tuesday evening since June, we've had a very successful weekend in South Lakeland, and are now looking forward to our annual Christmas Lunch.

We hope you've all got through the last eighteen months unscathed and have enjoyed a fabulous summer out on the bike, whether that be alone, with friends, or even better, with ourselves. If you weren't on any of our rides, please give us a try, it's much more fun riding in company, and you'll discover some new routes which you've never imagined could exist right on your own doorstep.


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