Worcester & Malvern CTC July Update - Restrictions on Group Rides lifted

Worcester & Malvern CTC July Update - Restrictions on Group Rides lifted

The Government confirmed on July 19th that England has moved to Step 4 and most legal restrictions have been lifted. From this date, there are no longer any restrictions or set numbers of people who may gather indoors or outside. However, Cycling UK still advises that limiting group rides to a maximum of 15 is sensible and generally considered best practice anyway.

While restrictions are easing across the UK, the virus is still very much in circulation so Cycling UK encourages people to cycle but to do so in a manner which minimises risk to themselves and others from it. Cyclists should use their common sense and continue to act carefully and remain cautious. You should not attend a ride if you, or anyone you live with, has been asked to self-isolate or are required to self-isolate after travel or because they are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms.

On a positive note this means that the club can start to organise group rides again, on our regular pattern of Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday. See below for details of a Tuesday ride on 27th July led by Peter Greenway and a special memorial day for Ali Staines on Saturday 7th August. It is heartening to see rides on the Calendar again.

Of course starting group rides means we need volunteers to lead them. Why not show us where you've been riding during lockdown?

Whilst the club gets going again, please send ride offers to the club email (wandmctc@gmail.com) which is being monitored.

John Bennett
Chair, Worcester & Malvern CTC