Ride report for 3rd July

Ride report for 3rd July

Kings Stag to Cattistock

A good turnout at The Green Man cafe but few people were there for the ride!  Jill, Roger, Keith, Richard N.(by car), Charlie (aka TCP), Jerry and Paul remained at the cafe leaving myself, Alex, Mary and Dr David to set off at just past 10.30.  Charlie had been forbidden to ride by his GP so could not lead his ride and straws were drawn to determine the leader - me. We set off down the Piddle Valley as far as Piddletrenthide where the suffering began, slogging up the long climb out of the valley to the top road above the Cerne Valley, which I'd elected to avoid as it's a horrible fast rat run.  A steep descent into Cerne Abbas was slightly unfortunate as it's the lunch venue for next week's ride!  Another pretty brutal climb followed towards Sydling St Nicholas and then again after descending to the Ford crossing, towards the A37.  Crossing it was slightly tricky as we had climbed into fog and drizzle and it was hard to see traffic coming. Another fast descent into Cattistock and we arrived at the Fox and Hounds pub just after 12. Only 16 miles from King's Stag but 'quality miles'.  At least we didn't have to face the tough climbs after lunch.  No bookings were required at the pub but turning up early paid off as the other tables were soon taken. Ciabattas and a burger arrived, eventually, and were very good, as was the beer. Return was via Frome St Quintin, Chetnole and Leigh and the forecast rain held off.  I left the others at Bailey's Ridge to return to Yeovil as they were headed to Shaftesbury.  




Wednesday Wander July 7th

A breezy start from Marnhull, up to Walton Elm and across to Margaret Marsh, with skylarks serenading as usual. Despite the lane edges being trimmed Lady’s Bed Straw, Yellow Rattle and purple thistles have taken over from Cow Parsley. The joy of Wednesday rides is having time to look and listen! After more than a year a visit to the Jailhouse cafe for refreshments brought back memories. A loop back through Stour Row to finish a short but enjoyable spin