Ride reports for 19th and 26th June

Ride reports for 19th and 26th June

Ride Report

Gillingham to Puddletown Saturday 19th June


The Case of The Infected LimbsYes Dave has an infected arm whilst Charlie still is struggling with his leg though having been advised(or was he ordered?) not to cycle still arrived at Orchard Park mounted.
So most of the Club must have had wind of me being substitute leader and my penchant for Roman Roads as only five riders (Caroline, Ron, Painless Mike, Alex & me) turned up. Charlie rode with us past Marnhull then home. We travelled via Hinton St Mary, Stur, Ansty, Cheselbourne to The Blue Vinny at Puddletown for lunch. Now Dave had booked us in for 12.30 there but despite taking a shorter route we still arrived after one and as we had averaged 12.4 mph young Dave would have set us some pace.
Lunch was really tasty though, in line with everyone a lot pricier than pre-Covid. Ken found  us for lunch plus two well drilled spaniels and after much amusing banter from Ronald Cheeseman Junior we decided that with impending rain forecast and our later return Ron would take us back up the down route then cross to just below Piddlehinton and up the Piddle Valley to home.
As we left the pub our years really showed with me leaving my bag behind, Ron his specs and Ken riding off with face mask on! Oh yes, Caroline drove home & Ken joined us.
It was on leaving that I was definitely “The Weakest Link” and so it proved as I huffed and puffed to keep to a 12.7mph average. Ken left at Lydlinch, Mike at Bagber Cross and Alex just kept on going… So about 45 miles in perfect riding weather and fine fellowship.

Ride Report

Child Okeford to Cheselbourne
            A most pleasant day awaited us at the Gold Hill Café. 7 riders and 4 cling-ons turned up. The 2 wheeled cling-ons were Jackie and Jim who rode straight home. The 4 wheeled one was Lorraine who is still not ‘bike mobile’ yet! The 2 legged one was Chairman Paul who had covered the great distance of 100 yards from his home around the corner.

Jim was showing off his carbon fibre shoe laces even though they were so black and thin to be almost invisible.

Paul should have been the official ride leader but is taking it easy for a while following a recent medical procedure. We all wish him well I hope!

After a 5 minute heads together, Richard had planned a route, David volunteered to front the ride if someone told him where to go which left me with the hardest job- yes, the Ride Report.

The usual start up through Shillingstone was chosen then on to Okeford Fitzpaine where the fun began. Up the steepish slope out of OF, Dave’s chain decided to misbehave, jamming itself between the spokes and the large sprocket, which produced very black hands and a few choice words after 10 minutes of fiddling.

All was still not right cos when we set off again, the chain decided to de-link -ie it broke!!Now, as David was an Engineer of sorts in the army for 100 years, he had all the correct tools in his pannier, so presto, he completed the fix in a further 14 minutes.

Luckily, the muddy puddle that Ron spotted across the road was ideal for scrubbing black hands.

Richard, now the number 1 ride leader, decided to shorten the route due to the delay and forced us up Bullbarrow Hill en route to Ansty. The rest of the ride was easy as we rode through Melcombe Bingham, arriving at the Rivers Arms pub in good time.

A very large menu was displayed at the bar, but there were no snacks, sandwiches, baguettes, panninis or ciabatta bread, even though the website proffered bread.

However, we all had to choose the expensive alternatives, which were all very tasty - but I was a touch disappointed.

Cannot forget to mention the on going saga of the Caroline/Ken ‘shift change overs’.Caroline expected hubby at 1 pm and had ordered a main course to share. When the errant Ken arrived late as usual, only one quarter of the food remained. He would have to suffer!

Following lunch, the 7 riders soon became 6 as Mary peeled off homewards for a prior commitment while we turned westwards over the roller coaster route to the Piddle Valley.

With the sun still shining, Dave suggested stopping at Buckland Newton village shop for ice creams. Our thanks to Ken for splashing out for this cooling ‘Magnum’ feast.

            Reaching Kings Stag we started fragmenting as riders turned homewards.  Good to see Roger out for a full day at last. Long may it continue. Thanks to Richard and David for sharing ride leaders duties. Thanks to Ron for keeping us entertained throughout the ride. Yes, I know that today was Stage 1 of the Tour de France, but Ron’s Sky box had broken down – he would have to watch the highlights at 7 pm on ITV 4! Thanks to Caroline and Ken for endless laughs and thanks to Mary who continues to demonstrate her legendary climbing ability.
            My mileage today was only a meagre 45 miles but it was the case of Quality not Quantity. Hope you enjoyed it.