Petersfield Bicycle Buddies

The Petersfield Bicycle Buddies Scheme

Petersfield Bicycle Buddies

A scheme to bring Cycling Buddies together, either in pairs to encourage rusty or less proficient riders or as group rides.

 The PBB scheme, an affiliated community scheme sponsored by Cycling UK,  has been created by a few Petersfield cyclists to provide a place where cyclists in the local area who wish to get out on a bicycle can team up with a ‘Buddy’ to  better enjoy the experience.

We hope to link up anyone no matter their skill or experience, for town, country or off road riding. 

We especially want to attract those who may be less experienced or rusty, perhaps nervous of cycling alone to make contact with others, perhaps more regular cyclists who are keen to offer their encouragement, combined with knowledge of cycling in the area, and ride together.

We believe cycling is an excellent way to enhance people's health and wellbeing, and in the longer term to improve our environment through reduced pollution and sustainable transport.


It is not a cycle training scheme, we can assist you to find qualified instruction if this is more applicable. However, we can provide Ride leader, First aid and cycle maintenance training through our link to Cycling UK.

We will be able to  direct you towards suitable cycle maintenance to make sure you have a roadworthy bike.