Ride report for 24th April

Ride report for 24th April

Continuing the recent dry spell, Saturday was fine and sunny and a good group of cyclists had gathered at Thyme After Time including, unusually, both Caroline AND Ken.  After an outdoor coffee and cake we headed towards Marnhull into a headwind, then through the lanes to Manston and Hammoon(where Caroline left us), crossing the A357 Blandford Road and continuing to Okeford Fitzpaine where Jill elected not to climb Okeford hill due to a painful arm from recent vaccination. Roger also turned back. 


The rest of us slogged up the hill then enjoyed a nice fast run down to Winterborne Stickland, where the climbing started again over to Milton Abbas, and then yet again to Cheselbourne, the lunch stop. We met Richard just before the final descent, as he had elected to follow a slightly easier route - good idea, wish I'd thought of it!  


Unfortunately all the pubs nearby were closed until indoor dining could resume on 17th May so a picnic lunch was had before we returned towards Hazelbury.  Luckily The Fox Inn at Ansty was open and some pints and chips were ordered and enjoyed in the road side beer garden.  After an easy ride to Hazelbury, the group split and several of us rode to Kings Stag where the Green Man pub has opened an outdoor cafe using tents and we met Richard again, who had stopped for refreshements.  I left the group and headed home via Holwell and Bailey's Ridge.


A nice day for a ride but a tough route.

