Calderdale CTC AGM 29th April. PLEASE SUPPORT

Calderdale CTC AGM 29th April. PLEASE SUPPORT

Dear Members,

Our AGM is on Thursday 29th April 2021 at 7.30pm using Microsoft Teams.

Any resolutions need to be sent to me by tomorrow evening.

Please let me know by email at if you are attending so that i can send you the link and the AGM papers.

The club is at a critical point as we come out of lockdown. we have the opportunity to review what we have always done and introduce new ideas. Several of our longest serving committee members are stepping down and we need help to keep the club running.

Please consider carefully if you would be willing to undertake any of the following roles and let me know so i can give more information on what is involved.


Communications Officer (Website) we have a new website to launch imminently.

Welfare officer

Sunday Rides coordinator

Thursday evening Rides coordinator

Friday clubroom coordinator

The top 3 roles are mandatory so without those we can no longer function as a club that is part of Cycling UK.

YOUR club needs YOUR support.


Jayne Moore (Secretary)