April rides so far

Broad Chalke Cafe

April rides so far

Stalbridge to Broad Chalke

Having expected four riders on Saturday April 3rd ten turned up for the ride to Broadchalke, namely Charlie, Dr David, Keith, Jill, Roger, Mary, Ron, Ben, Ian & myself.

From Marnhull we went via Stour Row to St James Common, up the hill to Melbury, over the main road through Cann Common where we stopped to see a WW1 cannon which was set up to fire a human but although Charlie volunteered we just could no muster enough explosives! Then up Zig Zag hill with those fab views as a plus but counteracted by head winds. A pit stop before Win Green where Jill, Roger and Ian decided to “tak the low road” and yes they still did “get to Broadchalke afore ye”. So the rest of us went via Tollard Royal where Gritchie Beer be brewed the Sixpenny Handley where a lefter was taken for the long but lovely drag to Bower the Broad Chalke and tea,etc outside the excellent Community Shop.

Too chilly to stay long so off we went via the Chalke Valley to Shaftesbury where various riders departed then back home. For me about 45 miles, for Ben 85

All agreed it was just so good to be back together at last. Long may it last!


Stalbridge to Yetminster  10 April 2021


Last week (the first ‘normal’ ride since lockdown) there were 10 riders – but begorrah !  today we  attracted a whopping total of 13   - even on a cold overcast dismal day.


Entries consisted of Jackie, Mary, Caroline, Jill, Dr David, Ed, Ron, electric Alan, Keith, Roger, Martin and myself.

Only one cling on today in the form of Alison who as yet prefers to ride on her own – we live in hope!

The Thyme after Time staff were very welcoming as usual – though we still have to eat and drink outside until the middle of May – then roll on summer.

Ron was press ganged into being the front man today, the official ride leader (me) still having the hardest job  - the Report writing

The undulating route took us via Stourton Caundle, skirting around Biships Caundle then cross country to Bailey Ridge where we stopped at the top of the steep hill overlooking Yetminster in the distance.

As we were in plenty of time – it was only 11.30, a split in the group was agreed, Ron escorting half of the group on a longer leg via Leigh. The rest of us took the direct, shorter way. Roger and Jill chickened out, deciding to have 11’s on the bench then returning home

The café at Yetminster was a first time lunch venue. Many of the club were newcomers to this establishment and it was a touch chilly with the north wind finally causing some of us to shiver.

Some more the group decided to mutiny at this point – the Grand National and Cycle racing on TV being the preferred attractions.

THE KEN RHODES SAGA CONTINUES – We said goodbye to Caroline who was still waiting for Ken who failed to turn up 40 minutes after his ETA.  Cycle Clips will eventually contain an article about Ken, right back from when he got lost on one of our Annual Club Cycling Holidays – May 2018 I think.

As it transpired, only 4 of us carried on with the official ride – Jackie, Martin, Dr David and myself.

The sun showed itself 15 minutes later and kept us warm the rest of the day – wonderful!

We went through Chetnole, Leigh , then back via Bailey Ridge, Holwell, Hazelbury Bryan, Sturminster Newton and Marnhull.


           A most enjoyable ride really, as many of us LIKE riding in a group. Riding on our own or with one other person during lockdown was not a happy time – for me at least.             No problems en route, no delays and no quarrelling.


No idea of the mileage as I forgot to switch on STRAVA. I reckon I covered 35 miles with all others doing more than 45.


See you next Saturday…………………………Charlie