Newsletter February 2021

Newsletter February 2021

Dear all

I hope that you are all keeping well and are surviving the recent spell of cold weather. It has been quite challenging recently and certainly tests one's motivation to get out and battle strong easterly winds blowing all the way from the Russian Steppes. The country lanes have been quite icy especially in the east of the area  and I know that we've had one of two fallers; luckily not too serious, though.

Well who would have thought that we would still be in a position of having all groups rides still suspended? I'm sure like me you've not seen many club members now in person for around twelve months. However, thanks to the kind offices of Chris Tomkins, there has been an opportunity on a Wednesday evening to "meet up" through Zoom for a natter and keeping in touch with others members. 

There is light on the horizon, though. There is talk of easing some restrictions in time for Easter with mentions of sitting in a pub garden and also mention of possibly meeting one other person not in your household for a social function rather than just exercise. I do miss a coffee shop; takeaways were fine during the first lockdown when it was warm and sunny but no fun at all in the cold. Let's not forget that some members have not earnt a penny this year so it's important that restrictions are lifted as soon as safe to do so. If you're offered a vaccine, then please take it for the sake of us all. 

Once we have a confirmed date for the resumption of group rides, we will put together of programme of regular rides. Hopefully you will have discovered some new routes to delight us all. 

Cafe List

Having made mention of the coffee shops remind me that we have access to the list of cafes maintained by our friends at Winchester CTC.

This can be found at

Bear in mind, though, that some unfortunately may not re-open when the restrictions are lifted. If you have any updates to the list, please send them to

Photography Competition

We've not held a photography competition now since 2018 so we thought it would be time to have one for this year. As before there will be three classes - pictorial (anything other than in the two other classes), anything cycling related and a specialised class - something humorous.

We would expect to hold the judging hopefully in person as a special evening probably in mid-February next year or else by Zoom (heaven forbid!) 

Entries must be taken between 1st April 2020 and 30th April 2021. Jim Probert will be collating the entries but for now there is nothing for you to do other than looking back through your photos taken since just after after the first lockdown started last year. 


Presently, Government regulations mean it is illegal for English residents to holiday either in the UK or overseas. However, that does not stop us making tentative plans. 

  • Dieppe Raid (end of June; exact dates to be advised)

We are still waiting an announcement as to whether this year's event will go ahead; there is no information available on the web site. All those that entered last year's event are entered for this year's event should it go ahead. We will not be doing a block booking for the ferry as our travel period is outside of the period for discounted travel. Seniors do benefit from a discount, though. 

We will try to get a discounted rate for accommodation at the Hotel Windsor in Dieppe. Booking arrangements will be advised once we are certain that the event will be held and that we are allowed to travel.  As a reminder, now that the UK has left the EU, passports needs to be valid for at least six months after the travel period. As for whether we will need to have a coronavirus test before we go is anyone's guess! 


  • CTC Birthday rides

Some members were due to go to an event in the Cotswolds last year to celebrate an anniversary of the CTC. Although the event is not specifically mentioned in this year's programme, it is expect that a  broadly similar event will be held in August this year again based in the Cotswolds. 


  • Cycling Camping Tour

Paul Rayfield and Chris Devrell intend to run this in September 2021. It is expected to be a very "in tents" experience with members carrying their own camping equipment. More details at another time. 


Annual General Meeting

AS a reminder, our AGM will be on held on 8th April. It is likely that this will be held via Zoom. Sam will be sending out details nearer the time. 

That's all for now. Let;s hope that with the lighter evenings coming that we can look forward to resuming groups when allowed to do so. 

Stay safe! 

(Publicity Officer)

Alan Rolfe