Ride report for 31st October

Ride report for 31st October

Saturday 31st October – Child Okeford to ?


The day dawned wet and windy but I thought I should go over to the Gold Hill Cafe to see if anyone was mad enough to turn out. Charlie interrupted my breakfast to say he, Lorraine and Richard were coming and I had a brief panic that he meant by bicycle, but was relieved to hear he meant by car. The three were already comfortably ensconced when I walked over arriving at the same time as Mary and Jenny, who had unbelievably cycled. There is a phrase about drowned rats. Shortly after that Martin and Jackie arrived (sensibly by car). A unanimous decision to cancel the ride left poor Mary and Jenny to face the wet and windy ride back to Shaftesbury, while the others climbed into their warm comfortable cars, and I walked the short distance home.


A news flash foretold a statement from Boris this afternoon, so by the time you read this we may be back in lock-down.

