Ride report for 2nd October

Ride report for 2nd October

 Stalbridge to Dorchester  3 October 2020


      But should really read:


 The Washout Weekend or The Ride that never Was!



To my knowledge, only Mary and Jenny braved the elements riding to Thyme after Time Café at 10.15 in the pouring rain.

Sitting outside in full waterproofs with a cup of cold coffee, I had trekked across the fields with two small dogs, arriving at 10.00 in order to persuade any person – who may just happen to turn up – to go back home.

So saying goodbye, I returned, leaving the girls to drip all over the Café floor!

Perhaps we could postpone the ride till tomorrow??

Any idea of riding a bike was scuppered as rain was drumming against the windows at 9 am on Sunday.

Cannot remember the last time we had such a soggy weekend without cycling.


Looking forward to next Saturday starting at Henstridge Golf Club