Bank Holiday ride to Farmer Brown's

Bank Holiday ride to Farmer Brown's

Bank Holiday ride to Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour

Sunday 30th August 2020

A 'turbulent' week running up to the Bank Holiday Sunday ride.

Firstly on Tuesday 'Storm Francis' gave us 60 mile an hour winds, then on Friday gales and heavy rain caused localised flooding whilst on Saturday unseasonably low temperatures of 12 degrees Celsius, rain and strong winds meant some of us switched on the central heating (we just missed out recording the coldest ever Bank Holiday).

Early calls from Alan Hockham indicated winds were still pretty feisty at Sutton on Sea but the weather forecast was consistently indicating a moderation of winds to a mean of 15-20 miles an hour and gusts limited to 25-30 miles an hour with temperatures of 15 degrees. Hoping for the best Tim Newbery led Rob Whitworth, Chris Owen and Alan Hockham from the Leisure Centre, aiming to join up with Reg Bagshaw at Little Cawthorpe.

Some pleasant sunshine and a back wind soon saw us meandering our way through Stewton, Legbourne and via the ford into Little Cawthopre. As promised Reg was waiting for us and a steady ride was undertaken to Meagram Top where we all took a breather.

Our route today would take us to Rigsby and Well, along the undulating Lincolnshire County Council 'C4' cycle route. Splendid views of the low Wolds and all the way to the coast. Shrill cries from at least one pair of Buzzard and a fine view of a Sparrow hawk added interest to our ventures.

Arriving on schedule into Alford we hoped the 'Deli' would be open and luckily tables and chairs were all laid out and we were ready to enjoy welcome refreshments. It was at this point that Rob was certainly looking and feeling 'pretty poorly' and not in any state to carry on cycling. Transport was duly arranged and we bade farewell as he made his way back home. We were hoping all would be well.

Reg and Chris would also head for home which left Tim and Alan to continue to the Ice Cream Parlour, Tim very much looking forward to a scoop of vanilla! A pleasant enough route and it wasn't long before we arrived at Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour. Tim did indeed thoroughly enjoy a scoop of double white chocolate whilst Alan plumped for a coffee.

For the return, a headwind made for some hard work and so an additional refreshment stop was decided on and Woody's Bar and Restaurant at Woodthorpe provided us with another reviving coffee.

The last leg went surprisingly well, arriving back in Louth well on schedule at 3.20 pm having covered 45 miles. Many thanks to all for the company and support.

On enquiry, Rob had arrived home safely and was recovering well, with great support and care from Jeany. She's a star.