Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Are you looking for help? Then check out our list of most frequently asked questions here first.

If you still can't find the answer to your question then please contact us for further assistance.

Q. What is my membership number?

Your membership number can be found on any letter you have from us. It is the number on your membership card, your welcome letter and your renewal letter. This number is unique to you. So even if there are two John Smiths living in the same postcode, we know we are writing to the correct one. You need your membership number to renew online but, at the moment you do not need it just to log on to the website.

Q. Can you provide my login details and what format is required?

Our new website is nearing completion and, as part of the design, there is restricted membership content on it. If you wish to view this content simply log on and follow the instructions there. You need to fill in the username and password provided. The log on is required as part of the testing of our new site so please bear with us.

Q. I would like to register with the site but my current email address is not registered with Cycling UK.

Please use the form below or send an email to including your membership number, email address and name. Our membership department will email you back as soon as it is set up.

Q. I have an email address registered with Cycling UK but still can't register with the website?

Please follow the quick instructions below:

a) Go to
b) On the 1st screen enter your last name and membership number (without any letters) and then click "Find My Membership" to start the registration process.
c) On the 2nd screen enter a username and an email address you've already registered with us.
d) You will then be sent an email with a "long" confirmation link to complete the registration process. Click this link and you will be logged in and asked to set up a password.

For further help including screenshots please see our detailed registration instructions helpsheet. If after following the help advise above you are still having problems please use the form below or send an email to giving as much detail as you can.

Q. I a​m registered with the site but have forgotten my password.

If you have forgotten your password please go to the "forgotten password" page, enter your email address (or membership number or username) and you will be sent an email with a one time link to help you log in. Once logged in please select the chnage password option from the user edit menu.

Q. I want to renew my membership or view my membership details.

To renew your membership or view your current membership details you will first need to register with the site (please see advise above). Once logged in your current membership details can be viewed by selecting "Membership" within the "My Account" section of the website. From here you will be able to view you current membership details and once you have received your renewal letter in the post you will be able to renew online by clicking on the "renew now" link.

NOTE: currently there is a problem if you have more then one membership currently live within our system, this may be because of a administration error or you have Cycling UK membership and as a cycle activity provider/instructor you also have CAP insurance. In either case you will see a message saying there is more than one membership associated with your account. In this case please contact our membership department either using the form below or calling 0844 736 8451 or 01483 238 301 during office hours (Mon-Fri). We apologise for the inconvenience and are working to solve this issue in the near future.

Q. I want to renew a membership for someone else?

Sorry at the moment this is not possible online, please call our membership department on 0844 736 8451 or 01483 238 301 during office hours (Mon-Fri). We apologise for the inconvenience and are working to solve this issue in the near future, as part of this work we are also looking to allow all members to not have to register online to do a basic renewal.

Q. Which personal and membership details can I change online and which do I need to call Membership Services for?

When you log on to the new site during the current preview period, it is only as a guest so you cannot make any changes to your details at the moment. You can update your landline and mobile phone numbers and your email address. Just go to Support – Renew Membership (whether you need to renew or not) and follow the simple steps. For any other changes of details, please call CTC Membership Services on 0844 736 8451.

Q. What am I covered for by my Cycling UK Insurance?

For all 3rd party insurance coverage details please see the attached PDF Your Third Party Cover from Cycling UK below.

Short summary of the cover provided:

  • Cover is available for injury or damage caused by you to a third party while you are cycling anywhere in the world except the USA and Canada.

  • A third party means anyone other than someone employed by you. You will not be covered for damage to property belonging to another member of your family.

  • You are covered if you are cycling on a cycle (unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, tandem or triplet) unless it is driven by mechanical power other than electric assistance.

  • You are covered while you are a fully paid up individual member of Cycling UK.
  • You are covered while you are using your cycle for private and professional purposes, including business cycling.

  • You will not be insured if you are specifically employed as a cyclist e.g. as a cyclist-messenger or a carrier cyclist.

  • You are covered while cycling in touring competitions, reliability events, audax events, time-trials, charity rides, sportives and in record breaking. You are not insured for any other form of competitive cycling.

Q. Why am I not receiving CycleClips?

Some email providers block e-newsletters such as this or send it directly to a ‘junk’ folder. If you look and can’t find CycleClips there, try updating your details to include your email address, we may not have your latest one on file.

Q. What is included in the Insurance cover for new clubs and affiliates?

For all insurance details for Cycling UK affiliated clubs or groups please see the attached PDF Your Third Party Cover from Cycling UK below.

Short summary of the cover provided:

  • You are covered for rides / events providing the ride / event involves less than 200 riders. For events involving more than 200 riders, you must advise Cycling UK of the details in advance of the event.
  • You are covered for rides / events which are touring competitions, reliability events, audax events, and in record breaking.
  • You are not covered for any form of competitive cycling including time trials or mass start races.
  • The cover also includes social events run as part of a ride, for example, tea stops or a barbecue for ride participants at the end of a ride and for meetings of your organisation.
  • If your officers are involved in the running of a ride / event (as a ride leader, marshal, or in a similar capacity), you are covered against claims made gainst you or your officers for injury or damage caused to a third party.
  • Rides in collaboration with other bodies are covered provided you are clearly the organiser of the ride / event and Cycling UK rules and guidelines are applied to the event. Your officers are covered while they are a fully paid up individual member of your organisation.
  • For peace of mind, you are strongly encouraged to register with Cycling UK your officials who you want to be covered.
  • You are covered provided the ride / event is run in accordance with any guidance issued by Cycling UK and in particular that you are aware of all participants on the ride / event, either through collection of names or by completion of an entry form.
  • You are covered if a non member on your ride / event causes injury or damage leading to a claim against you. There must not be more than 5 non members on any one ride, nor should a non-member participate in a ride more than 5 times. This limitation does not apply to one-off events.


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