Newsletter April 2020

Newsletter April 2020

Newsletter April 2020


1. Welcome

2. From the Chair

3. Right To Ride Representative

4. The Leveret

5. Covid-19 Pandemic

1. Welcome

Welcome to our first newsleter of 2020. 

It is difficult to think about our normal lives and particularly cycling at the moment in view of the present Covid-19 pandemic where our pleasures and freedoms have necessarily been put on hold with, at the time of writing, no release date known. 

With many of us battling through the winter weather on club rides, there's a certain irony that almost as soon as the more settled, warmer weather arrived, we were rightly instructed to stay at home and only leave the house in exceptional circumstances! However, please remember that we are still allowed "one form of exercise per day". For many of us, this means cycling, of course. 

Please bear in mind, however, that group riding is strictly off the agenda although it is acceptable for co-habiting couples to ride together. For others, it means solo rides. Nowhere near as much fun in many ways but there is still much pleasure to be had from enjoying the countryside around us. Just stopping occasionally and listening to the birdsong can be very therapeutic. I'm sure that at least one member will be out on his bike looking for sheep and hoping to see the antics of the new lambs. 

2. From the Chair

So, what's happened before the crisis took over lives? Our new Committee met in January and, amongst other things, we discussed hosting the library of club rides on to make it easier to find a suitable ride. Kathy Purkis had already made a head start on this and the Committee agreed that it was the best option for the way forward. We also discussed the need to invest in improving the website and the need for someone to look after our website. It is becoming the prime source of information about the club, its rides and activities and needed someone to maintain it. Kathy Purkis had shown an interest in this and so we decided to see if she would become the Web Manager in co-opted role on the committee until the next AGM. She agreed to do this. 

Alan Rolfe and Gordon Cheeseman were making plans for a club trip to take part in the "Dieppe Raid" in late June, staying four nights in Dieppe. Some twenty two members had signed up for the trip and it would seem that we would be the largest UK cycling club to attend. 

Other plans for the year included a self-supported camping trip around the delights of west Hampshire and East Dorset in early June organised by Chris Devrell and myself. There was also mention of the CTC Birthday in early August based in Morton-in-the-Marsh in the beautiful Cotswolds.   

Most of you know we had an very serious accident on a club ride in January which resulted in Dave Bensley spending a month in hospital. Dave is now convalescing at home. We would like to say thank the members who visited him on many occasions in his various wards, hospitals and subsequently at home. You made a positive difference and your visits were appreciated. 

3. Right To Ride Representative

Cycling UK encourages members of local clubs to nominate a representative to assist their local councils in cycling matters. This is called the Right to Ride representative. Currently we have a vacancy for the Test valley council. In addition, our current representative for Southampton Council will be standing down at the end of this year and we would like a volunteer to replace him. Please let our Secretary Sam Bhullar know if you are interested in either of these posts.

4. The Leveret

The annual Leveret event will be held on Sunday 16 August. There will be some changes this year, primarily the addition of a shorter 32 km route to encourage those who want to try something different. Precise details are nearing completion and will be announced nearer the time.

5. Covid-19 Pandemic

Unsurprisingly, this has had a dramatic impact on all our lives. We are following Government guidelines and have cancelled all club rides, events and activities until further notice. This includes the two Audax events that were scheduled for 10 May and the Club trip to Dieppe at the end of June. It is very likely that the camping tour will also be cancelled.  Bookings for the CTC Birthday Rides event are presently suspended. 

Following the introduction of restrictions on movement, Chris Tomlins and Paul Rayfield discussed setting up a WhatsApp group of helpers and a spreadsheet for us to track who our volunteers are and who we are keeping an eye on. So far we've mainly been focused on just checking in with people regularly not yet delivering shopping/medication etc but are happy to as needed. If you would like to offer to be a helper or would like to be added to the list to receive the occasional phone call to check you are OK and if you require medications or shopping delivered then please contact Chris either by email or telephone 07919412028

The advice is to stay fit; keep exercising, eat healthily, follow the guidance on social distancing and self-isolation. If you're unable to get out of the house for exercise you may be interested in "P.E. with Joe Wicks". Monday to Friday, 9am live on Youtube. Apparently the workouts "will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved". No equipment in necessary. 

One of the main reasons many of us ride with the club is the social side of things and with the current lockdown situation and advice being only to leave your house for exercise once per day and ideally riding solo this is something that some are already missing. With that in mind, Chris Tomkins is running a Virtual Social via the web conferencing tool Zoom. The idea is to bring your beer/glass or win/cuppa/cake/snack of choice and just have a catch up - no fixed agenda, no specific topic of discussion, just a chance to socialise virtually. One such session has already been held and we are looking to make this a regular session. 

So, stay safe out there and try to get some cycling in!  If cycling past the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens in Jermyns Lane, Ampfield , in the next week or so, stop and enjoy the spectacle of the magnolias. 

Alan Rolfe