Ride to Rainham Marshes: 52km // 90km

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Ride to Rainham Marshes: 52km // 90km

Group ride

Happy 2020, our Steely friends!

Congratulations to everyone who got a place on the March weekender - it sold out in less than 48 hours. We're totally pumped to see you all! For those of you who missed out, we'll be running another weekend ride in May. Stay tuned for more details...

We'll also be in touch very soon with details about the exceedingly exciting London-Athens route for those of you ready to take the next pedal! (Yes, we're looking at you...)

In the meantime, let's ride - and spot birds!

10.30am Sunday 26 January. There's no set end time, but we usually expect to finish by about 3pm.

Meet at 10.30am at Upminster Underground station, at the end of the District Line going east.


  • This route is on a mixture of national cycle routes and country lanes.
  • Starting at Upminster, we strike north on NCN 136, desperately seeking out the lumpy bits of Essex (!)
  • Then we loop round south to the Thames and the beautiful Rainham Marshes RSPB Nature Reserve.
  • Pause here for a cuppa in the glorious cafe before cracking out the last 15km through the reserve and Hornchurch Country Park before finishing at Upminster windmill.

Party: 52km (397m climbing, Rainham Marshes at 37km) RideWithGPS Route
Keen: 90km (610m climbing, Rainham Marshes at 75km) RideWithGPS Route

Station Approach
United Kingdom